

We help our clients achieve their goals with our start-up and corporate experience in design, coding and mobile development.

Startup consulting

Not only do we build and develop our own startups, but we also invest into startups through Thorgate Ventures. If you have a great idea and are looking for know-how or funding, we’d love to hear from you.

Startup advice

We know the field. Our Co-Founders have come from GateMe, PlanetOS, and more. We have also kickstarted many tech related events including Latitude59 conference, Estonian ICT week and Summer of Startups. Contact us so we can help make your start-up a success.

Team building

We know you already have a great team, which is why we want to be the driving force helping you achieve maximum effectiveness through design, tech, and marketing expertise. What’s more? Rather than just doing it for you, we help by teaching skills. Our Co-Founders are on the advisory board for various startups, so you can rest assured that we train winning teams for success.


If we see potential in you, then we’ll invest in you. We’ll help you raise more funding from angels or VC funds. We have won Seedcamp before, so we personally know several European and American investors. We are also linked to a group of activists which gathers most of the leaders of the European tech scene.

Product consulting


We always start our product analysis with a face to face meeting, where you have the possibility to describe your ideas and vision.


Next step is a thorough analysis on our part where we go deep in finding the best solution for your needs.


Finally we offer a solution to your problem. We tell you exactly what to do next – be it a Lean Requirements Workshop or starting with design and development.

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Lean Requirements Workshop

Lean Requirements analysis is the first part of our digital product development process.

Lean Requirements

Through this workshop we aim to create the first live and usable version of your idea. We build a prototype that has the minimum number of features while still looking good. The goal of a lean requirements workshop is to test the business hypothesis and the engagement of the customer.

Product analysis

The lean requirements workshop allows us to define the minimum features needed for the digital product and come up with a detailed scope document with user-flows and database architecture. This phase is always necessary before the design and development begins.

Final result

Our specialists create a detailed scope document that includes all of the user-flows and the full database architecture for the prototype. With the scope document you can go to any product development agency and they know where to start work.

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Product design

Mapping needs

Our design process begins by meeting our clients to understand their needs. We define the purpose of our service, what the end goals are and who the target audience is.


Based on results from the first client meeting, we present numerous solutions as well as creating an initial design demonstration. This enables clients to explore an interactive skeleton of how their final design will look by clicking through points of interest.


We make sure real users like the design by sending demonstrations to them for testing. They can ask a series of questions, meaning the customer can be certain the designs are are easy to understand and comfortable to use. Designs are then finalised based on user feedback.

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Web development

We start with building a conceptual model which includes the structure and behaviour of the solution (system architecture).
As soon as the model is built, we begin coding.

Development process

Our team uses an agile development methodology termed ‘scrum’, whereby IT development is divided into weekly ‘sprints’. Each sprint begins with a meeting where the sprint goal is agreed. Thus, our clients know exactly what will be completed by the end of each week. We also host daily scrum meetings to help identify potential ‘blocks’ so we can solve them efficiently.

Technologies used

Our core back-end stack includes Python and Django framework, React.js for front-end and PostgreSQL for databases. Of course, if you have projects involving other technologies it’s no problem; our partners provide expertise in such areas and our own developers have more than ten years experience in creating neat and well documented coding.

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Mobile development

We have experience in developing native applications on Android and iOS as well as mobile web solutions.

API development

As soon as your native app has some data to store, an API is needed and used to communicate with the database. We help our customers develop an API for their mobile app as we have extensive knowledge on building back-end.

Native apps

A native app is an app built for a certain mobile devices such as an iPhone or Android. We specialise in developing these as we have seen the value and height of user experience they deliver in comparison to mobile web.

Mobile web

If you want a mobile app to work on all devices then you should choose mobile web. Native apps do tend to have better UX than mobile devices, but mobile apps are a cost effective alternative if your main concern is accessibility across multiple devices and web browsers.